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First, let me introduce myself. I'm Lucas, a 32-year-old marketing specialist from São Paulo. I enjoy trying new online services, 🫰 the latest technology, and sports. My experience with Blaze revolves around the minimum betting requirements.

I recently signed up on Blaze's 🫰 betting site, initially depositing R$70 and later adding R$60 more, with the hope of receiving a welcome bonus. At first, 🫰 I was a bit confused (28 DE JUL. DE 2024·A Blaze coloca como valor mínimo pra depositar o valor de 🫰 R$40 e depois o mínimo pra sacar é R$100? É ridículo!) since the minimum deposit is R$40, but I went 🫰 along with it and made the smaller deposits. Impressively, Blaze allows topping up the account by as little as R$1 🫰 via instant bank transfer or Pix; while R$3 is the minimum for a bet, so keep this in mind. Keep 🫰 in mind, you can only withdraw once you reach R$100 or higher, regardless of the deposit method.

The process of placing 🫰 a bet on Blaze is straightforward. Just follow these steps:

1. Head to Blaze's sports page.

2. Select soccer from the list 🫰 of sports.

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